“Artists, like conspiracy theorists, need to make connections, however implausible. They need to deal with the mental space as well as physical objects, history as well as the present.” Mike Nelson
Day 1
Students will source objects from the opshop, the hardware store and the supermarket in Mullumbimby – one object from each location. (e.g. a chair, a brass rod and an orange/ a dress, rubber cord, salt)
Limitations of materials can inspire ingenious solutions. What potential can you perceive in the original object? By deconstructing and reconstructing you are also reconstructing meaning. This can be done subtly, or so the original object is unrecognisable. How does the viewer now relate to your reconstructed form? What new meanings has this generated?
Day 2
Continued reconstruction
Installation responding to the site at BSA
Through placement and negotiation of your chosen site how will you relate and enhance the meaning and tensions between the three elements? Work towards installing these elements in a way that engages the surrounding space, being aware of how it relates to the viewer. What are the concepts, ideas, and/or poetics in the work?
Bridie will finish with a feedback discussion for each installation.
Image: some alchemies [heavy breathing] Bridie Lunney, James Carey
Dates | Saturday & Sunday, 10am - 4pm, 15 & 16 March, 2025
Workshop Fee | $440 ($420 Earlybird - pay by 3 March)
Course Code | MF2501
For more information email or phone 0487 362 141